“Science is the only true guide in life.” – Atatürk


GLYco Analytics

GaregLab Facilities

GaregLab Equipments


Scientific Projects


Graduated MSc&PhD students

Omics Strategies

Mass Spectrometry-based proteomics strategies

Clinical Glycoproteomics

Glycopeptide analysis of clinical samples for early diagnosis of diseases

Biotherapeutic Characterization

Mass spectrometric chracterization of Biotherapeutics

Site-Specific Glycosylation Analysis

Mass Spectrometry-based Glycosylation Analysis of a Single Glycoprotein

Machine Learning

Integration of machine learning models with clinical glycomics and glycoproteomics

Clinical Glycomics

Glycan analysis of clinical samples for early diagnosis of diseases

Nutritional Glycomics

Glycan analysis of food products